
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
J. Arènes1959Les Dombeya des îles des Mascareignes
A. Boura, Le Péchon, T., Thomas, R.2011Wood anatomy of the mascarene dombeyoideae : systematic and ecological implications
A. J. Cavanilles1787Tertia Dissertatio Botanica
A. J. Cavanilles1787Tertia Dissertatio Botanica
A. J. Cavanilles1787Tertia Dissertatio Botanica
A. J. Cavanilles1787Tertia Dissertatio Botanica
E. J. de Cordemoy1895Flore de l'Île de la Réunion
F. Friedmann1987Sterculiaceae
F. Friedmann1981Sterculiacées et Lecythidacées nouvelles aux Mascareignes
L. Humeau1999Ecologie et évolution de la dioécie et du dimorphisme sexuel de la taille des fleurs chez les Dombeya (Sterculiacées) endémiques de la Réunion
L. Humeau, Pailler, T., Thompson, J. D.2003Flower size dimorphism in diclinous plants native to La Réunion Island
L. Humeau, Pailler, T., Thompson, J. D.1999Cryptic dioecy and leaky dioecy in endemic species of Dombeya (Sterculiaceae) on La Réunion
L. Humeau, Pailler, T., Thompson, J. D.1999Variation in the breeding system of two sympatric Dombeya species on La Réunion island
J. Y. Lesouef1988The rescue of Ruizia cordata and the possible extinction of Astiria rosea
J. Lindley1844Astiria rosea
T. Le Péchon2009Systématique des Dombeyoideae (Malvaceae, ex-Sterculiaceae) des Mascareignes : approches morphologique et moléculaire
T. Le Péchon, Baider, C., Haevermans, A., Dubuisson, J. - Y.2011Dombeya sevathianii (Malvaceae) : A new critically endangered species endemic to Mauritius (Indian Ocean)
T. Le Péchon, Cao, T., Dubuisson, J. - Y., Gigord, L. D. B.2009Systematics of Dombeyoideae (Malvaceae) in the Mascarene archipelago (Indian Ocean) inferred from morphology
T. Le Péchon, Dubuisson, J. - Y., Haevermans, T., Cruaud, C., Couloux, A., Gigord, L. D. B.2010Multiple colonizations from Madagascar and converged acquisition of dioecy in the Mascarene Dombeyoideae (Malvaceae) as inferred from chloroplast and nuclear DNA sequence analyses.
T. Le Péchon, Humeau, L., Gigord, L. D. B., Pausé, J. - B., Caron, D., Baider, C., Gigord, P., Grosser, D., Hansen, D., Sevathian, J.2011Les Mahots des Mascareignes : base de connaissances sur les Dombeyoideae des Mascareignes
T. Le Péchon, Pausé, J. - B., Dubuisson, J. - Y., Gigord, L. D. B., Haevermans, A., Haevermans, T., Humeau, L.2013Dombeya formosa (Malvaceae s.l.): A New Species Endemic to La Réunion (Indian Ocean) Based on Morphological and Molecular Evidence
T. Le Péchon, Sanchez, M., Humeau, L., Gigord, L. D. B., Zhang, L. - B.2013Vertebrate pollination of the endemic Trochetia granulata (Malvaceae) on Réunion
J. H. Seyani1991The genus Dombeya (Sterculiaceae) in continental Africa
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith